Directions for SETI Pages

Please read these directions carefully.  Once you have completed this site, you will not have the opportunity to make repairs.

I.  Pages to include  (Please note the information on the Checksheet page, which tells you what should be included and tells you what the file names should be.):

II.    Information to include:

III.    Art/aesthetic Issues

This is a standard SETI site, and not a site for strange ideas about aliens who walk among us.  Please try to deal with this in a fairly matter-of-fact manner.  Look at the reasons for SETI programs and try to leave little green aliens out of it.

With that said, this is not going to be a site by scientists for scientists.  This is an amateur site, and you can, therefore, make things a bit more creative in appearance.  There are graphics suites that you may use online, and you'll find that some do seem to work for this sort of site.  If you choose to use some of the available suites, please let me know if you need to learn how to customize individual buttons.

Please avoid the usual hideous color combinations.  Please make sure that your pages are visually balanced.

Main Page
Art Images